Gartner 2024

Microsoft традиционно назван лидером в исследовании компании Gartner. Исследование охватывает продукты в области BI разработки и Microsoft представлен в нем. Our analysis of the Gartner Digital Marketing and emerging technologies Gartner Hype Cycles with comparison of the last 5+ years. According to the latest forecast by Gartner, global spending by end-users on public cloud services is projected to increase by 20.4 percent and reach a total of $678.8 billion in 2024. The Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Voice of the Customer (VoC) 2024 report has been published, and we’re proud to reveal that Qualtrics has been named a Leader in the VoC market once again. “65% of application development activity will be low-code by 2024”–Gartner. Tech Blog, Uncategorized. What do we mean by low code?

2024 Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends

This development has democratized AI, making it more accessible to a broader range of enterprises and developers. AI models can inadvertently generate negative consequences that overshadow their benefits without appropriate guardrails. This proactive approach to managing AI risks ensures the responsible and secure use of AI, mitigating potential pitfalls. Another exciting AI-related trend is AI-augmented development, a fusion of genAI and machine learning to assist software engineers in designing, coding, and testing applications. This infusion of AI into the development process enhances productivity and empowers software engineers to focus on strategic tasks like designing compelling business applications. Gartner anticipates that AI-assisted software engineering will be pivotal in reshaping how applications are created, providing developers with valuable support.

Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. With insights from Qualtrics, organizations can identify and resolve the greatest friction points in their business, retain and engage top talent, and bring the right products and services to market. Qualtrics uses its vast universe of experience data to form the largest database of human sentiment in the world.

AI models can inadvertently generate negative consequences that overshadow their benefits without appropriate guardrails. This proactive approach to managing AI risks ensures the responsible and secure use of AI, mitigating potential pitfalls. AI-augmented development Another exciting AI-related trend is AI-augmented development, a fusion of genAI and machine learning to assist software engineers in designing, coding, and testing applications. This infusion of AI into the development process enhances productivity and empowers software engineers to focus on strategic tasks like designing compelling business applications. Gartner anticipates that AI-assisted software engineering will be pivotal in reshaping how applications are created, providing developers with valuable support. Navigating the complex terrain of technology trends Chris Howard, distinguished VP analyst and chief of research at Gartner, underscores the importance of a disciplined approach to navigating these technology trends.

Augmented-Connected Workforce The augmented-connected workforce ACWF is a strategy for optimizing the value derived from human workers. The need to accelerate and scale talent is driving the ACWF trend. At the same time, the ACWF drives business results and positive impact for key stakeholders. Aligning CTEM assessment and remediation scopes with threat vectors or business projects, rather than an infrastructure component, surfaces not only the vulnerabilities, but also unpatchable threats. By 2026, Gartner predicts that organizations prioritizing their security investments based on a CTEM program will realize a two-thirds reduction in breaches. Machine Customers Machine customers also called custobots are nonhuman economic actors that can autonomously negotiate and purchase goods and services in exchange for payment. By 2028, 15 billion connected products will exist with the potential to behave as customers, with billions more to follow in the coming years. This growth trend will be the source of trillions of dollars in revenues by 2030 and eventually become more significant than the arrival of digital commerce. Strategic considerations should include opportunities to either facilitate these algorithms and devices, or even create new custobots.

Gartner даёт прогноз о маркетплейсах

Get your copy of the full report today! See how low-code platforms can benefit your organization and why Mendix was named a Leader in Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute. All rights reserved.

ИТ-услуги в этом году впервые станут крупнейшей статьей расходов. Этому во многом будут способствовать инвестиции в проекты оптимизации и повышения организационной эффективности, которые исследовательская компания называет крайне важными в текущий период экономической неопределенности.

When those systems are connected and enabled to automate processes, real transformation happens. Businesses can see improved productivity, enhanced employee satisfaction, and, ultimately, happier customers. The Rise of the Machine Customer Gartner recommends businesses include approaches for algorithm-based customers, noting that the customer landscape will change to include machine customers. Now that, we believe is future-focused. So, just what is a machine customer? By 2028, 15 billion connected products will exist with the potential to behave as customers, with billions more to follow in the coming years.

Low-code software can be developed and deployed quickly. An app that would have taken months to build can now be released in a matter of weeks, and new versions can be released even more quickly, making for a fully agile model to product innovation. You can still build apps without depending on IT.

Furthermore, enterprise innovators tend to develop and implement their solutions to automate their software products and business processes. Through 2023, one of the main factors for low-code adoption would be the necessity in business-driven hyper-automation. According to Biscotti, the development of low-code tools will persist shortly. Kissflow is popular with businesses because of its no-code platform. It gives enterprise consumers the ability to develop their applications without relying on IT or vendors.

Топ-10 главных стратегических IT-тенденций 2024 года по версии Gartner

In effect, sourcing is becoming a skill, not a function. Gen AI will improve sourcing speed and efficiency GenAI use cases will proliferate the full procurement process and have the potential to improve both speed and efficiency across the department. However, it can be expected that procurement professionals will still be central decision makers. GenAI will reduce many tactical tasks, much like traditional AI applications. However, the differentiation with GenAI is that it can generate new content, fill in missing information or even create sample outcomes or scenarios to situations that will ultimately play a supporting role in strategic decision making.

The drag-and-drop components we connect together and create processes that fit our own needs! Creatio tools do just this. We can not only run our own applications but we are creating them. I cannot ignore those that are coders who may feel attacked or threatened but there will always be a need for hand coding. It has all been automated and you built it; there is no waiting around.

Edge AI also offers advantages in terms of data confidentiality and security.

Indeed, because certain sensitive information can be processed locally without being transmitted to remote servers, this eliminates unnecessary data exposure to external threats. This convergence of AI and edge computing paves the way for solutions that are not only more efficient but also more responsible, as they are potentially more energy-efficient. This set of principles and practices aims to ensure that AI is used ethically and responsibly. It addresses the social, environmental, and economic impact of AI, and aims to minimize risks and maximize benefits. In technological terms, Responsible AI translates into a series of measures aimed at improving the transparency, reliability, and safety of AI systems. The key focus is on data and algorithm transparency.

Они основаны на общедоступных облачных сервисах, но предлагают игрокам отрасли более гибкий способ управления рабочими нагрузками. В будущем они трансформируются в экосистемные облака, где предприятия смогут вести бизнес-процессы, такие как закупки, распределение, обработка платежей, и, возможно, даже презентовать НИОКР и инновации. Умные приложения Интеллектуальные приложения предлагают новый опыт клиентам, пользователям, владельцам продуктов и разработчикам. Их внедрение обеспечивает связь между непрерывной аналитикой и принятием решений, а также дает широкие возможности путем внедрения чат-ботов и умных интерфейсов.

Все это повышает автоматизацию и обеспечивает динамичную трансформацию бизнеса. ИИ-приложения в бизнесе Фото: gartner.

9 трендов будущего сферы труда на 2024 год от Gartner

Gartner’s 2024 report highlights ten key trends that will impact technology leaders. Gartner’s report explores each trend and shows how to adapt as a business. That’s the key takeaway from Gartner’s top strategic trends for 2024, unveiled Monday at the firm’s annual IT Symposium/Xpo 2023. 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Source-to-Pay Suites. In the first-ever source-to-pay (S2P) report from Gartner, Coupa is named a Leader for its completeness of vision and ability to execute. Gartner delivers actionable, objective insight that drives smarter decisions and stronger performance on an organization’s mission-critical priorities. Gartner sees software leading IT spending growth in 2024: it is set to grow 12.7 percent to $1.03 trillion. IT services are also set for strong growth at 8.7 percent, outstripping spending on communication.

69% of managers’ workload will be automated by 2024: Gartner

Повышение квалификации менеджеров в области «обязательных» навыков не решает основополагающую проблему — работа менеджера становится все сложнее и сложнее. Чтобы решить эти проблемы компании будут пересматривать бизнес-процессы и регламенты, а также ожидания от своих менеджеров, системы подготовки кадрового резерва и обучения руководителей чтобы развить новые привычки менеджеров. Работать с этим компании будут через создание возможностей для сотрудников взаимодействовать с культурой, где бы они ни работали, устанавливая эмоциональную связь и давая командам возможность создавать яркие и здоровые микрокультуры. Аналитики отмечают, что формула управления «коммуникация x обучение» по-прежнему актуальна, она не учитывает усталость от перемен.

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How far does your enterprise want to go with artificial intelligence?

As most vendors were looking to introduce AI within products that customers already buy, without a significant price increase, Gartner had calculated the increase in IT spending caused by AI investment might only be 0. Lovelock said vendors were introducing AI to solve problems — such as reducing customer churn or getting better value for marketing — that companies had been trying to solve for 25 years.

Страны, организации и компании уже собирают и анализируют любой цифровой след, оставленный человеком. Политический и социальный активизм покупателя, который перед покупкой изучает позицию бренда по остросоциальному или политическому вопросу. В то же время показателен пример наших белорусских соседей, когда в процессе протестов 2020 года зародилось целое покупательское движение, в котором покупатели приобретали товары только близких по политическим взглядам производителей.

Gartner Top Strategic Technology Trends 2024

Gartner is predicting that in 2024, companies will be exploring methods that will help ensure their investments are protected for years to come. Every year the company puts together a list of 10 trends. Тема 3: Создавайте ценности. Как использовать эти технологии для достижения целей генеральных директоров и ИТ-директоров на 2024 и последующие годы. Gartner’s 2024 tech trends spotlight AI’s growth, with genAI accessibility set to soar, making AI tools available to more businesses. Коллеги, делитесь, какие из трендов готовы взять в работу в 2024? Подготовила Анна Егорова. by Josh Howarth January 15, 2024. Gartner is a research and advisory firm that provides technology data and consulting for business leaders.

Gartner Trends 2024: How a Retailer Can Turn Them Into Growth

Около 80% новых технологических продуктов можно будет создать и использовать без экспертизы в области ИТ уже к 2024 году. The trends for 2024 deliver one or more key benefits: protecting your investment, optimizing the rise of intelligent app/solution builders and delivering increased value. В 2024 году более 50% рекламы в интернете будет учитывать эмоциональное состояние пользователя благодаря искусственному интеллекту. Технологические тренды — 2024 от Gartner. Gartner призывает проанализировать воздействие и преимущества каждой из этих технологических тенденций с целью выявления.

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  • Gartner: «К 2024 году 80% новых технологических продуктов будут создаваться без ИТ-специалистов»
  • Блог про HR-аналитику: 9 трендов будущего сферы труда на 2024 год от Gartner

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